Level 2 is entertaining for my LO, but level 1 is unusable.
Level 2 is entertaining for my LO, but level 1 is unusable.
Seriously looks like it will make your baby hyper! Deleted it right away!
Our 7 month old loves the giggle gang. Hes been playing since just a few months old. Level 1 is kind of dumb, but Level 2 is much better. BEWARE: the tunes are pretty catchy. Before you know it, youll be singing along with Pinky, Furry, Goldie, Kiwi and even Terry. No Daddy and Mommy like it too.
Its broken. This was my daughters favorite app 4 years ago. She even had the toys. It is absolutely broken. As mentioned in many other reviews, Level 1 is spastic and seizure inducing. It is not supposed to be like that. The other fisher price shapes app is similar to how its supposed to look and isnt currently broken. Download that one instead. This one needs an update ASAP. Im surprised its been broken this long.
I took a trip with my niece and this game saved my sanity. My 11month niece was tying bc she was bored. I opened the game, disabled the multiple finger setting on iPad and she loved it. She literally calmed down in under a minute. Highly recommend this app
This app is garbage and has too many bugs to use. I cant believe Apple allows crap like this in the store. Seizures await in level 1.
My 7 month baby loves it!
I downloaded 6 of these free fisher price learning apps & only 1 has sound & its not my volume level. Not impressed!!
This little app makes my 10 month-old boy smile & laugh every time. A VERY handy distraction when youre trying to feed a restless, grouchy or tired little munchkin.
Not the most entertaining app but ill do. (Hey check out my friends facebook page " great apps for kids " she just started and posts reviews for good apps like this one on there and even some fun kid recipes.) I prefer fisher price other apps but not this one. Though i guess lots of kids like it so try it anyway, its free afterall
This app has no sound!
Love the piano playing part of this app! My son LOVES the piano keys. The rest is a little boring for him but he is 26 months. Definitely worth the FREE download!
The piano level keeps crashing!!!
I have no idea if this app is any good because it keeps crashing whenever I try to use it. I hope this is fixed soon!
No sound on ipad2 with latest ios.
My one year old girl really like the piano part!
She plays with this for an hour if I dont distract her with something else
Its a distraction but not much of one. Far better kids apps that are both fun and educational. But its free so meh
My eleven month old sister couldnt stop laughing! She played for about 10 minutes then got bored
Sound does not work unless I first record a giggle. Should be a minor correction to do. Otherwise great for my 11 month old who likes it a lot.